One way to describe Stillness work is taking a dip into the groundswell of our being, and then emerging renewed - usually having left something unnecessary behind in the process. Stillness work and meditation sing the same song, while the extra partner in the process, called therapist, is that keeper of safety that helps unlock the gates that fears have created on the path to our luminous selves.

The beauty of this path is in the mystery of delightful surprises that follow the dip into our inner self. We trust that the field will organize around our intention, and then sit back and observe how the great Tide will carry it into manifestation. Here are a few anecdotes on how that could happen. I am understandably modifying names for privacy reasons.

Post-op treadmill recovery

Alina had a simple cataract surgery that turned out to be not so simple. Two days afterwards she still felt the post-anesthesia drowsiness, and her eye didn’t quite feel like her own. We decided to work after she goes to sleep at night to bypass her conscious analytical mind. I tuned in around 11 pm, got a “yes” from the tide that we had successfully connected, picking up clear sensations of active repair work, inflammation, and the still-current chemical load of anesthetic, after which I gave things over the Tide and stayed to witness how it would bring Alina to health.

She called next morning and in a higher-than usual pitch recounted that some unknown force woke her out of sleep at 2:30 in the morning with such an inflow of energy that she could not contain herself and felt an urge to get out of bed to do something. That “something” for the lovely 77-year-old was a half-hour brisk walk on a treadmill. Oh, and the eye felt much better, while the energy level, mood and stamina shot way up and stayed. But why stop there, I thought, perhaps on the next tune-in she could take a trip to the moon. But the Tide turned things in a different direction when I tuned in again the next evening for a sleep session.

Alina called next afternoon - she had a peacefully-restful night this time free of sports activities and gushes of energy, and come morning she found herself free of her usual shortness of breath. She was quite amazed to watch herself bend and walk up stairs with an even easy breath. She originally set out to recover her health from the eye surgery and got a load of free goodies from the tide. The Tide is truly generous, as life itself.

“You Snooze – You Lose. Colds”

Irena came for a 3-session de-stress series. Pure curiosity drove the cat to a therapy table. She spent most of the session time in a deep non-sleep sleep, a kind of subconscious grog that narcotizes our frontal brain yet stays fully present. Without knowing what to expect, she gained deep refreshing sleep at night. Tide is tricky this way – it wakes some up and puts others to sleep. She loved how unaffected she started to go through her days - connected yet stable.

In a follow-up session 6 months later she told me that ever since our work she stopped getting sick from airplane travel. Apparently, she was notorious for catching something, usually a common cold, after every flight. Her immune system turned a permanent corner since the Stillness trio. Another client reported roughly the same after having had one session. She returned 7 months later asking what exactly I did because she never got sick once since she saw me last. When we tap into the Intelligence of the Tide of our creation, we open a possibility to receive much more than what we originally signed up for. And often in different ways than we expected, but always in the direction of Health.